10 Ways a 0g® Soccer Trainer improves Your Child's Game


If your child is new to soccer or ready to take their game to the next level, you know how difficult it can be. Soccer is a precision sport that requires speed and agility, and these are skills that require practice and plenty of it. That's where the 0g® Soccer trainer comes in.


1. It's fun (really!)

It can be frustrating for kids to practice soccer skills because they constantly lose track of the ball and have to chase it. The 0g Soccer trainer solves that problem by mounting the ball to a weighted bar, allowing kids to work through skills using both feet without frustration. This makes practicing skills fun!


2. It builds confidence

Confidence is an important aspect of game play, and the 0g Soccer trainer was specifically designed to build confidence as kids work through skills in a controlled and engaged repetition in a fun and challenging way.


3. It strengthens muscles

Strength training is critical for soccer, and the 0g Soccer trainer builds muscle and improves motor skills in the legs and feet. This leads to improved coordination and strength, making kids more effective on the field (and off).


4. It grows with your child

Every parent knows the frustration of investing in sports equipment only to watch their child outgrow it in a matter of weeks or months. The 0g Soccer trainer grows with your child. It features three course and five fine gravity adjustments, it adjusts to your child's size and skill level in seconds.


5. It's easy to use and store

Unlike other bulky sports equipment, the 0g Soccer trainer weighs only about 9 pounds when empty, and 34 pounds when full, making it easy to transport and store when not in use. Plus, because it works well on any surface, it can be used year-round.


6. Setup is a breeze

Say goodbye to lengthy assembly. You'll be ready to play in minutes when your 0g Soccer trainer arrives. It even includes a size 4 soccer ball so your child will have everything they need to get started!


7. It's a multi-trick pony

Kids get bored easily, and no one enjoys practicing the same old drills. That's what makes the 0g Soccer trainer so unique. It can be used for practicing everything from dribbling to footwork, or even as a cardio workout, keeping kids engaged so it actually gets used.


8. It's great for kids with special needs

The 0g Soccer isn't only for soccer practice. Because it builds strength and motor skills, it can help kids with autism, sensory processing disorder, or muscle weakness build their strength, improve their motor skills and coordination, and have fun doing it!

Another great way the 0g Soccer trainer can help kids with special needs is by allowing them to be experts. When kids with autism or other social disabilities bring their 0g Soccer trainers to soccer practice, they are able to show their peers how to use it, allowing them to flex their social skills muscles and gain confidence.


9. It's inexpensive

If you've ever looked into the cost of private coaching, you know how costly it can be. The 0g Soccer trainer is a one-time investment. Unlike costly private coaching, the 0g Soccer trainer fits into almost every budget.


10. We offer plenty of help!

It can be daunting to figure out how to incorporate the 0g Soccer trainer into your child's training. That's why we created a series of helpful videos to show you exactly how your child can use the 0g Soccer trainer alone or with the help of a coach.


If you don't have a 0g Soccer trainer yet, what's stopping you? Order one and put your child on the path to improve skills and confidence today.